Today my daughter made her debut as a Flower Girl. My mom has a friend/co-worker that was so sad as her family would not be able to make it to her wedding and so she didn't have a flower girl or a ring barer. Well, my mother told her not to stress because she has plenty of granddaughters and grandsons that could take the job. Thanks mom for volunteering my kids for a wedding that I didn't even know the people. Oh well. It was nice that we could help this sweet couple out and it was such a fun experience.
This is the bed and breakfast that the wedding was at. No, you do not need to adjust your screen, it is THREE shades of pink. Yup. I thought this was the Peptobismol headquarters, but no, it's a B&B. Aside from the color, I could totally live here as it overlooks Lake Pend Orielle and was so charming inside and out that I would take over in a heartbeat... after I painted the outside.

My son, the little angel that he is, was fine as long as he had command over the bag of Goldfish Crackers that I had packed. However, during the ceremony he... "broke wind" rather loudly a few times and made the bride and groom as well as the rest of the attendees giggle. Ah boys, gotta love them. I made his little bow tie using
this tutorial. I also made one for my nephew who was the ring barer.

These are my nieces who were a little offended that they were not asked to be flower girls, but they were big helpers for me with my son and it was a fun day being with them.

Here they come! My nephew was so terrified of dropping his white pillow that he carried it like a full bucket of water. My daughter on the other hand stole the show, not that I'm bias at all, but she made sure he was right next to her and other than us having to remind her to drop the petals, she did great. It was so cute as she took one petal at a time out and threw it on the ground.

Here she is ditching her cousin as he was walking to slow. She really did so well! The best was that she continued to drop petals during the ceremony, on her way out, while waiting to get in the receiving line and then when she ran out of petals, she started picking them up off the ground and putting them back in her basket so she could drop them again.

Here is the bride. She is so cute and was utterly gorgeous!

Zoe stood so nice during the ceremony. I had to remind her several times at the rehearsal that she needed to stand still and I said the same thing to my nephew but during the ceremony he got bored and started to toss the pillow up and down. I couldn't get any pictures of him from where I sat. It was pretty funny though.

The dress she is wearing is one that my mom got for her from Mexico a few months ago. I had forgotten that it was a little low in the front, but I did make an under skirt so you couldn't see her panties... that should count for something!

Congrats Lynn and Nick!

Here they both are waiting for the receiving line to start. Everyone kept asking if they were twins, but they are 4 months apart. However, could you blame them with their names of Zoe and Xander?

Showing me that she threw all of her petals out of her basket.

I wanted her to have "special hair" for the day but I wanted it to look natural and relaxed. I did a French Twist crown for her and kept it loose.

This is the hair pretty I made for her out of the same material as the boys' bow ties. I love how it almost looks like antique lace.

And here are all the five cousins together. Last time we took pictures of all of them it was a disaster, but this time was a piece of cake.

What did you do this weekend?