It was absolutely an amazing experience! I love Broadway and dream of one day being in plays again, but this blew my mind! I was so lucky, so excited and so unprepared! Lol I forgot to charge my cameras batteries so all my pictures are from my phone so.... yeah, they suck. But it was so much fun! The characters were so funny, their voices were incredible and yeah, I cried... a couple of times just by the power of their voices.

I didn't know anything about the story line before seeing the show and I love discovering a new musical! This was such a treat and made my little singing heart leap and dream of being on that stage with the audience applauding like in the olden days. One day when my kids are older and I have a little more free time, I am going to start acting/singing again. I love the rush. This show just fueled the fire just a bit more for me.
Here was my favorite song, it's just the Original Cast song. I have been belting it out all day, to my children's dismay. Lol