Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Big Pile of Oy Ve!

Hello all! Yes, I am still here. I have been a little busy dealing with some health issues, sick kids, never ending projects and bad weather that makes you just want to sit in your jammies and snuggle something. All of these things are not super conducive when you have readers that like to see what you are up to. Rest assured I am well and doing much better and my kids... well they are healthy as of 5 minutes ago, but you know how kids are, they get sick at the drop of a hat. Or maybe that's just mine, hmmm.

Anyways, here is what I have been up to. You know how I said I was dealing with the project that never ends? Well it ended. And not only did I do a jig I also threw my hands up in the air like a cattle roper! A few months ago an old friend from high school asked me if I knew how to recover car seat covers. I said, "No! But I love a challenge!!!" These words would come to haunt me later. I'm not saying this was a terribly difficult project. If you can sew, its a wonderful thing to make! The problem I had is that I am not uber great at sewing, my seams are not always straight, I tend to curse while doing it, and cheat whenever I can. This happens when I am sewing for myself, knowing that I could fix it or tweak it at a later date. However, when making something such as this, that gets used daily, is for someone else, and you want it to be PERFECT, it tends to make you a little crazy. I honestly cannot tell you how many times I ripped out seams, second guessed my markings so I stitched an entire section upside down, threw it across the room, took a lint roller to it, hand stitched places "just in case", invented new curse words, and finally went to bed angry with my self for "loving a challenge." So, I pretended it didn't exist for a few days and then received a call that baby might be induced within the next few days. GULP!!! The good news is is that baby is not going to come until Monday and I finished it YESTERDAY!!!! WOO HOO!!!

Here it is ladies! The final product! Doesn't it just make your uterus hurt?!
Here is what it looked like before I ripped it all apart.
I bought the tutorial from this Etsy shop It was incredibly detailed and if you have loads of patience and time, DO IT! If you are like me and can only sew and craft during nap time and after the kids go to bed, please give yourself ample amounts of time.

Now, onto more fun things, I GOT AN AWARD TODAY!!!! Rachel at A Little Bit Vintage gave me the "I Love Your Blog" award! She rocks my world! Her room for her little girls is amazing and I have informed her that she needs to adopt me post haste so she can decorate a room for me. She is due any day now with baby #2 and is still crafting! WHAT?! Crazy lady! But like I said she rocks my world. Thank you so much! I'll post my award tomorrow.


  1. OH.MY.GOODNESS! I love this and this is why I gave you the award! :) I'm sure you know that I'm wishing that I had some time to make one of these for myself! ;) Of course we can adopt you...but I'm I'm not promising that you could have your own room..LOL! :) Happy weekend to you!


  2. It doesn't look homeade so no one will even ask you if you made it. You're just going to have to tell eveyone you see look in its direction because you are awesome!!!



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