It's been a while! Sorry ladies. I got a little swamped with alterations these past few weeks. It's prom season, so I've been taking in the already Size 0 dresses an inch or two. Seriously, why are girls so SMALL?!! And I also have to say that the dresses that I've done are not that pretty. I've done bridesmaid dresses that were much prettier than those! I also got to take the zipper out of a wedding dress and add a lace up back, which was a first for me and I seriously love how it looked in the end. Pictures below.
But first, I have to share my newest listing from
my shop! I am very excited about them and have more to come.

And here is the dress that I got to alter. It was such a gorgeous dress and of course I didn't take a picture of the front. Oye.


And in other news, here is a little taste of some of the new things coming to the shop!

Exciting times! Hope you all have a great weekend!