I have been feeling a little Bah-Humbug lately. Why? Well, I have been so busy lately that I haven't gotten to enjoy this wonderful season and my Christmas spirit is in short supply. How have I fixed it? With a bit of blaring music, cookies and a reminder of what Christmas looks like through the eyes of a child.

What music have I been listening to? Well, for some reason Josh Groban and his buttery smooth voice and luscious locks has gotten me in the mood... the Christmas mood! Dirty minds. But I am a sucker for bagpipes. My mother, who works at our community college, gets very upset every summer due to the bagpipe convention that is held on campus. They practice the same three songs over and over and over for a week solid. She has called me before saying, "If you hear of a mad woman running bagpipers down with her car, could you be my alibi?" So when I hear this song, blasting at full volume in my car, I smile just a little bigger knowing this song would drive my mom nuts. But when Josh (because I'm his best friend, so I can call him by his first name...right) and the other male voice reach a crescendo and the bagpipes and drums come in, I turn my volume up even higher and I just sit with chills all over my arms and sometimes a few tears.
The men folk went on a man date to see "Tron", a movie none of the women in our family cared to see, so the girls (my mother and sister-in-law) and I had a fun evening of baking, decorating and eating. Nothing gets you in the mood like finding green frosting all over your house for days.
Here I am being the sprinkle manager.
Very focused in her work.
Insert cheesy grin from the Bubba Boy.
And sneak a few cookies while no one is looking.
But the part that has saved me from a spiritless Christmas was this. I wrote down everything that my little girl wanted me to write for her letter to Santa. I have read it at least 942 times already and it makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

It says:
"Dear Santa,
I like you very much. I want a toy. I have been good for goodness sake. I would like Cutie Pies, a doll, a horse and Maximus! Why did you swipe the Cutie Pies away from Costco? My mommy and I will have cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer.
Thank You!
Now, what is a Cutie Pie? They are the Littlest Pet Shop bobble heads, they had a big package of them at Costco. When we went yesterday they were out of the "Cutie Pies" and I thought my daughter was going to have an heart attack. So we told her that Santa shops at Costco, which makes him a genius, and he probably swiped them away, hence the reference in her letter.
I just love this time of year and I'm so thankful to have my children that remind me what it's all about. I am a happy mommy and the luckiest girl in the world to have them be mine.
Happy Holidays everyone! May your Christmas Spirit be as full as mine.